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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - rankэ adj.


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Rankэ adj.

rankэ adj.
1) lush, luxuriant, abundant, flourishing, profuse, prolific, dense, superabundant, exuberant, fertile, productive, fructuous: The expedition could hardly make its way through the rank undergrowth of th jungle. 2) corrupt, foul, low, base, gross; downright, utter, sheer, absolute, complete, out-and-out, blatant, flagrant, unalloyed, unmitigated, undiluted: I cannot understand the rank treachery of the man after all that we have done for him. I ventured my opinion, even though a rank outsider. 3) offensive, loathsome, disgusting, gross, foul, corrupt, indecent, shocking, immodest, indecorous, shameless, risqu‚, lurid, off colour, outrageous, blue, nasty, vulgar, vile, dirty, filthy, smutty, scatological, pornographic, obscene: Those bigots always resort to the rank vocabulary of malice and hate. In a secret cupboard was a collection of the rankest literature. 4) offensive, loathsome, disgusting, gross, foul, foul-smelling, smelly, rancid, noisome, stinking, reeky, reeking, mephitic, miasmic or miasmal or miasmatic(al) , fetid or foetid, noxious, rotten, putrid, musty, stale, disagreeable, strong, pungent: The rank stench from the open sewers pervades the air in those pockets of poverty. RANSACK v. 1) search, examine, go through or over (with a fine-tooth(ed) comb) , comb, rake or rummage through, scour, explore, scrutinize, turn inside out: I ransacked the second-hand bookshops for a copy but had no success. 2) rob, plunder, pillage, sack, despoil, loot, strip; burgle, US and Canadian burglarize: The thieves who ransacked the shop apparently missed the most valuable jewel.
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